Introduce ChatPaper: AI-Powered Paper Navigator For Academics

Apr 18, 2024

What is ChatPaper?

Keeping up to date with the latest papers updates from different platfroms, conferences and journals is essential yet demanding for researchers, professors, students and academics alike. What if you could streamline this process with the help of AI? Here introduces your AI-powered paper navigator: ChatPaper.

ChatPaper is an AI-driven platform where seamlessly integrates and delivers the latest papers, coupled with immediate and precise recommendations, ensuring you're always at the forefront of research and scholarly pursuits.


Highlights of ChatPaper

1. Daily academic papers updates from

Click "ArXiv", and you can gain access to the latest papers from, covering a range of categories:

  • Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Computation and Language, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning.

  • Statistics: Machine Learning.


2. Conference paper aggregation.

Click "Venues" to explore a collection of key conference papers, currently including ICLR2024, NeurIPS2023, EMNLP2023.


3. Paper content overview.

Each paper is presented in two distinct modes: simple view mode and detailed view mode.

In simple view mode, all the papers are listed, so that you can swiftly browse the information and locate the article you are interested in. You can also click the paper title to view the paper abstract.


In detailed view mode, beyond the abstract, you can delve into the core points of the paper, including:

  • What problem does the paper attempt to solve?

  • What method does the paper propose?

  • On which data was the experiment conducted?



These core insights enable you to quickly grasp the general idea of the paper and help you decide if it merits a deeper dive.

If you need to read the original paper in detail, the "PDF" button provides direct access to the full text.

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3. Seamlessly Connected with ChatDOC

Not just read, but chat with these latest papers. Click the "ChatDOC" button, and jump into ChatDOC in seconds to dive deeper by querying and getting reliable AI answers.



ChatDOC excels in various ways of asking, such as directly asking general questions about the whole text, selecting tables or texts to ask, asking following-up questions and even querying about multiple files simultaneously. Here's a blog introducing why ChatDOC is the best PDF reading tool:

ChatDOC's advanced capabilities in table and formula recognition, along with its latest image comprehension features, set it apart from other products.

Enhance your academic journey with ChatPaper and upgrade your reading experience with ChatDOC now!

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